Happy New Year everyone ! 2010 was a busy year for me and I finished it in a rush, didn't even find the time to do a greetings card. But now that I have a small moment to breathe a little air before I go back to the drawing table, and also instead of talking about good resolutions that I will never fulfill, I want to have a look in the rearview mirror to see what was accomplished within a year.
Needless to say that it was a tuff one for everyone, I mean politically, and also for the industry. And at the same time, when I look at all that I've done, all the exciting new people I've met, all the friendships that were consolidated in 2010, I feel satisfied.
The workshops I did as an instructor, in Berlin (MADE) and in Paris (CfSl), were unforgettable. I had the opportunity to meet dozens of amazing artists and devoted students, and I learned so many things at their contact it's hopeless to detail it.
Eventually, I did my first covers for Marvel, DC, and Top Cow, and the 10 years old boy who still lives in me is very proud of it. When I was a kid I just didn't care about Tintin and Asterix; all that counted were the X-Men, Alpha Flight and Batman !
And Conan !! Which leads me to think about the loss of Frazetta. We image makers owe so much to this man. I was very happy to pay him a video recorded tribute in issue 61 of ImagineFX.
2010 was also the year when I decided to seriously get back to my easel after ten years of exclusive love with Photoshop. I can't tell the joy I have to paint traditionally again ! Those paintings were very well received, and it brings me a new palette of opportunities in the fine-art field. I'll tell you more about this shortly ;)
Finally I found myself in good place in three major compendium artbooks. I did the back cover of both Spectrum and Café Salé artbooks. And Exposé gave me 2 Excellence awards and 1 Master award. I think I couldn't finish the year in a better way.
Some great things are already in the making for 2011. I have three book projects that I'd like to make concrete. The rest is still secret but I can tell you it will be really cool ;) !
Lastly I want to say thank you to YOU, who take of your time to read this blog and encourage me with your comments. Thank you to all the friends and clients who made this year special for me. See you in 2011, let's make great art together, let your sideburns talk for you a little more !! \m/
7 commentaires:
Merci et bonne année à toi aussi ! Seras tu au Workshop de concept art à amsterdam ?
J'espère bien :D tu me dois toujours un livre de Merlin xD avec une dedicace ! (l'histoire des fichiers sur un vieux siteweb pleine resolution ^^)
Bon à part ça donc, je vois pleins de super projets qui avancent, de rêves qui se réalisent pour toi, j'espère un jour en être là !
C'est bien que tu reviennes à la peinture sur toile, je pense que ça vaut le coup !
Bon courage pour 2011 et tout pleins de bon voeux !
Sympa cette rétrospective! Que de belles choses en une année! :) Bon vent pour la suite!
Bonne année à toi aussi! Nous, on a vu l'éclosion d'une star et on est très fiers de toi, tu le mérites. Encore bravo.
@Axel: je risque pas d'oublier, tu me le rappelles à chaque commentaire que tu laisses !
Eh non, malheureusement je ne serai pas à Amsterdam.
@Clo: j'ai trop hâte de voir ton segment BD !!
@Hubert: grand merci Hubert, ça me touche ! J'ai des questions "tradi" à te poser d'ailleurs. ;)
Belle et Bonne Année à toi ! puisse t-elle être encore plus prolixe que 2010 !
on ne peux que te souhaiter la même pour 2011 mon pote!!!
hâte de voir ce que tu vas nous concocter pour cette nouvelle année..:)
haha merde j'avais pas fais attention ! ptain je radotte comme un vieux ! haha !
Pas a Amsterdam ! Damn, ça coupe mon enthousiasme pour aller la bas !
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